Few things are worse than losing your freedom to
Move Without Pain
The secret to a long life is to never stop moving. The moment you stop moving  is the moment you start dying
It doesn't matter if you're 55, 65, or over 75...

Movement is what keeps you feeling and looking YOUNG...

It's the secret to a long life. 

So watching yourself gradually lose more comfortable movement due to ever increasing aches and pains can make you feel like your best days are behind you...

Honestly, it can feel like a death sentence...

Like you're not living anymore...

In fact, did you know that studies show losing mobility as you age significantly increases risk for mortality?

Whether you're 45, 55, 65, or over 75 - You've likely seen and felt first hand the gradual increase of ...
  • Aching, crunching and grinding
  • Stiff, restricted, painful movement
  • Or any kind of joint discomfort
And you're not alone...
Did you know that by age 65, two-Thirds of Americans need help with everyday activities such as eating, bathing, and getting in and out of bed or a chair?
Think about it... Do you really want to worry about:
Losing the freedom to walk up stairs, reach overhead to grab a plate from the cabinet, or pick up your grandkids - forcing you to depend on other people to get you places.

Losing the freedom to experience all the activities you once enjoyed like working in your garden, walking the dog, exercising, or golfing...

Unfortunately, this is the reality for millions of American's...
The emotional, physical, and mental damage of losing your freedom to move in comfort can be a very devastating and cruel feeling that can suck the life out of anyone...
Which leads to moving, feeling, (and LOOKING) years older than you truly are, like an elderly stranger - someone you may not be ready to be yet...

They can make you feel insecure, unattractive, unneeded and even undesired as you age

And they can keep you from enjoying a more happy, more pain-free life after 50, 60, 70 and beyond.

Trust me, I understand it can be devastating when you've tried everything and nothing works.
Did you know that if You've Tried Everything Yet still Struggle From Nagging Aches And Painful Discomfort, you may be focusing on the wrong solutions?
Let me just say this:
As it turns out, we've significantly underestimated mother nature's true joint rejuvenating power - by a LANDSLIDE!
It's not often that you stumble upon something like this...

Yet, once in a blue moon it happens!

We stumble upon something that we couldn't possibly imagine life without it.

A solution comes out of nowhere and makes things safer, more effective, and less expensive than previously thought possible.

While its not often, real breakthroughs do happen!

In fact, as you're about to see in a minute, that's exactly what's happening right now when it comes to joint comfort.
Imagine youthful, free-Flowing, Comfortable movement Again!
Like you remember from over 30 years ago...
WITHOUT COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex which research has shown to Increase Your Risk Of Serious Health Problems Such As Cardiovascular Events, Liver and Kidney Problems

WITHOUT over the counter NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen that have been shown to harm various processes in your body which can negatively affect your heart, liver, kidneys, and even your brain (Gavrilescu et al., 2016) 

WITHOUT the risk of Side Effects Such As Depression, Anxiety, Liver Failure, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes (Shinohara et al., 2016;Walter et al., 2011) 

And WITHOUT painful injections or surgery 
Hard to believe, I know...
You shouldn't take my word for it until you've seen the clear evidence below..

Then decide for yourself, fair?
And look, I'm not one for hype...
I'm stubborn - it's not easy to change my mind unless there's empirical and measurable evidence that meets the specific principles and reasoning of the scientific method...
In fact, my unconventional "Pain Hacks" have been praised inMen's Health magazine, on Livestrong.com, in Men's Journal and in dozens of other magazines, newspapers and medical resource sites.

I'm also a featured presenter for The Natural Health Practitioners Of Canada as well as The National Strength And Conditioning Association which has allowed me to work first hand with leading anti-aging and pain management experts around the world...

After 2 decades of "looking over their shoulders" reviewing thousands of hours of detailed before-and-after reports, I've picked up many of their most prized secrets for restoring pain-free movement that were virtually hidden from the western general public...
In fact, I've taught my unconventional "pain hacks" to countless women and men over the last 20 Years...
Many of my clients had previously struggled with similar aches, painful joint discomfort, and restricted mobility that you are likely feeling right now.

And here's the thing:

They reported trying virtually everything over the years without real or lasting results - just like you probably have.

For instance, take Annie Lopes from Makawao, HI who recently said:
"My arthritis is really bad hip is bone to bone with bone growth on it. The pain was so bad I could not get comfortable trying to sleep...
I am now able to find a comfortable way to fall asleep. Thank you"
Or Judy Knutson from Saint Paul, MN who recently said:
"I have been taking celebrex for 5 years for my arthritis pain and I wanted to find something safe .... It caused internal bleeding for my mom.  I've had great results ...."
And it always begins with these 3 key principles you MUST apply in order to restore the feeling of youthful, free-flowing comfortable movement..
That said, I Must warn you: 
What you are about to see may go against all the conventional diet and exercise advice you've been hearing.

That's because, unfortunately, most mainstream western options today are typically limited to:
  • The unwanted side effects of NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen or COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex...

  • Painful injections and/or hip, knee, or shoulder surgery

  • Living with painful joint discomfort everyday for the rest of your life

  • Or losing your freedom to do what you want or go where you want
Whether it's over-the-counter NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen or COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex...

The fact is that the root cause of your painful joint discomfort is never actually addressed...
And even worse...
Research now shows that these so called solutions may actually accelerate the deterioration of your joints even faster over time causing your painful joint discomfort to worsen and spread across your body like a wild fire [Henry et al., 2003]...

And EVEN worse...

Popular pain drugs Vioxx and Bextra were removed from the market in 2004, because they excessively increased the risk of sudden heart attacks and strokes among those who took it.

Vioxx alone was responsible for more than an estimated 27,000 deaths.

So while they may help manage some of your aches and pains at first...You're really trading short term gain for long term pain.
Look, just think about it...
Do You Really Think This Will Allow You To Move Better, Feel Younger, Be More Active, Or Enjoy Your Favorite Activities Like Walking, Gardening, Exercising or Golfing?
Hopefully the answer is an obvious one for you...

So keep reading (with an open mind) to uncover how science has finally caught up to Mother Nature with the discovery of the most potent and powerful next generation breakthrough in joint comfort.

You need to hear the honest truth.

 Ok lets get started!
These 3 Joint-Pain Triggers Reveal...
...The Things You Must AVOID If You Want To  Restore Pain-Free Movement And Youthful Stamina At Any Age
Joint Pain Trigger #1
If you still believe that just because you can buy pain pills like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen and Acetaminophen at your local grocery store that they must be completely safe...

Please realize that research shows that NSAIDs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Piroxicam, and Indomethacin have been shown to increase your risk of cardiovascular problems, intestinal complications, and even liver or kidney problems [Gavrilescu et al., 2016; Henry et al., 2003; Bozimowski, 2015].
The scary little secret is while they attempt to target your pain, they don't actually improve joint health and can actually make it harder for your body to naturally heal your joints [Henry et al., 2003; Pountos et al., 2012; Vuolteenaho et al., 2008].

Once the short term pain-reducing effect of these drugs goes away, the pain comes back and each time it's a little more excruciating than before because they are disrupting hormone-like substances and enzymes that play a role in pain sensations as well as the formation of cartilage and bone [Henry et al., 2003; Pountos et al., 2012; Vuolteenaho et al., 2008].

This means that your joints begin to struggle to absorb nutrients that promote restoration and growth, thereby causing them to literally starve and begin to deteriorate even faster.
Do you really think this will allow you to restore your pain-Free youthful movement? 
Of course not... not to mention you'll worry about unsuspecting side effects like Heart issues, Cardiovascular Events, Liver Failure, and High Blood Pressure just to name a few...

And looking at the warnings that play on those long TV commercials, that's if they don't kill you first!
Smarter Solution: #1
(Eat THIS daily to melt away YEARS of joint discomfort)
If you REALLY want to decrease discomfort and restore your pain-free youthful movement you remember from 30 years ago... 

Keep reading because below I'll show you a very special type of all natural "missing ingredient" that you can begin using daily to experience more intense and targeted anti-inflammatory benefits without the unwanted side effects.

This unique and specific missing ingredient contains a combination of powerful joint rejuvenating compounds that are not found in any other known substance...

Plus you'll discover how it supports the proper regulation of hormones and enzymes associated with pain processes, as well as enhances the body's ability to restore strong cartilage and bone, thereby decreasing your discomfort and quickly helping you experience more youthful free flowing movement..
Joint Pain Trigger #2
Cartilage is absolutely essential to experiencing comfortable, free flowing movement...

Without it  there's no cushioning to protect your bones from grinding against each other, bone-on-bone...

Can you imagine how painful and uncomfortable that would make even moving around the house, let alone enjoying simple pleasures?
You see, various NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors may prevent your cartilage from healing properly by disrupting bodily processes associated with the restoration of cartilage

A number of these disrupt Cyclooxyygenase [COX] (COX1 and COX2) activity, which are enzymes that are associated with the restoration and formation of cartilage, especially after a tissue injury [Henry et al., 2003; Pountos et al., 2012; Vuolteenaho et al., 2008]. 

This makes it extremely difficult for the body to promote the restoration of damaged cartilage...

Your joints are clogged up by the accumulation of dead cartilage that looks like cobwebs and just like a weed in your flower bed...Nothing new can grow!

As a result of deteriorating cartilage, your mobility is restricted, painful, and extremely uncomfortable...
Do you really think this will allow you to be active or enjoy your favorite activities like walking, gardening, exercising or golfing?
Of course not...you'll be forced to avoid your favorite activities because the agonizing and painful aches, discomfort, and stiffness is too unbearable.
Smarter Solution: #2
If you REALLY want to decrease discomfort and restore your pain-free youthful movement you remember from 30 years ago... 

You'll see how a powerful and proven all natural 'cartilage enhancer' actually disrupts the activity of enzymes that degrades the building blocks of joint cartilage. [Kanzaki et al., 2012].

Not only that, this little all natural "cartilage enhancer" also stimulates the body's ability to naturally regenerate cartilage helping you enjoy more comfortable movement for years to come...

In fact, studies conducted in several different countries prove that those using it experienced significant relief of painful discomfort, and enjoyed increased mobility [Owens et al., 2004; Kanzaki et al., 2012].
Joint Pain Trigger #3
NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors may prevent the formation of new bone, bone union, and healing after a fracture by disrupting bodily processes associated with the restoration of cartilage.

A number of these also disrupt Cyclooxyygenase [COX] (COX1 and COX2) activity. COX 2, in particular, is  an enzyme that plays a main role in the restoration of bone, new bone growth, and bone union, especially after a fracture [Henry et al., 2003; Pountos et al., 2012; Vuolteenaho et al., 2008]. 
The disruption of bone and cartilage formation can trigger even more chronic inflammation, which only worsens your joint discomfort and prevents the body from healing properly.  

Similar to the problem this causes for cartilage, this makes it extremely difficult for the body to promote the restoration of damaged bones and instead leads to the further deterioration of bones and an increase in joint discomfort.
Are you really ready to say goodbye forever to:
playing with your grand children? 
taking the dog for nice stroll?
or even just moving around the house in comfort?
Of course you're not...and as you're about to see below, now you won't have to even THINK about slowing down at ANY age...
Smarter Solution: #3
Keep reading because there's a much safer, all natural, and much smarter way to help even the most frustrated joint pain sufferers restore comfortable, free flowing movement.

Towards the end, I'll reveal the #1 all-natural answer to stimulating your body's ability to build stronger bones, target osteoarthritis, and build lean, firm, and attractive muscle; all of which are necessary if you want to decrease discomfort for the long haul, keep moving and never slow down or feel worn-out and old at any age. [Institute of Medicine, 2001]. Plus this is also believed to improve thinking skills as you're about to see.
If You're Not Targeting ALL 3 Joint-Pain Triggers From Above you can Just say good-bye to comfortable movement as you age...
Now you know the problem:

Your mobility, flexibility and joint comfort have been held back for years due to not effectively targeting these 3 joint pain triggers:
  • Chronic joint inflammation
  • Worn-out, deteriorating cartilage
  • And gradual bone loss
....You can clearly see why it's NOT your fault that you've tried everything yet still haven't really experienced the lasting results you really want...
...And you can clearly see why NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors may not be the best option for your long-term comfort and joint health...

After all, the goal is to fix the root of your discomfort so you can go back to living a happier, more active and comfortable life without limits, right?

Instead, to get the real, lasting relief from chronic aches and painful joint discomfort, you need something completely new...

Something SMARTER...

Something that allows you to experience more active, comfortable movement and endless energy for many youthful years to come without the fear of unsuspecting side effects...

Just look how this earth grown extract works WITH your body to target ALL 3 "Joint Pain Triggers" responsible for the joint discomfort and restricted mobility that makes you feel and move older:
Smarter Joint Solution Step #1:
Targets joint discomfort In 3 smarter ways for true comfort so you can get back to enjoying the moments that matter most.
What's The Very First Thing You Would Do Without The Nagging joint discomfort?
Just think about avoiding the need to ask for help when trying to do basic everyday tasks like walk up the stairs, reaching overhead into the cabinet, opening jars or even bending over to tie your shoes in the morning.

Imagine quickly reducing the uncomfortable aches and discomfort that's controlling your happiness and life.

Or how about finally enjoying a perfect night's sleep, without your throbbing back, knees, and shoulders waking you?
Smarter Joint Solution Step #2:
Restores Worn Out Cartilage So You Can Get back to doing the activities you love like golfing, exercising, walking or gardening
What would you do if you Never had To Even Think About AVOIDING And Missing Out On The Activities You Love Again?
Picture yourself moving comfortably with less pain and stiffness when you're enjoying your favorite activities like exercising, walking the dog or spending Saturday morning tending to your garden or going for a refreshing hike.

What would more youthful, free flowing, pain-free movement mean to you?

Would you spend more time playing with your grandchildren before they're all grown up?
Smarter Joint Solution Step #3:
Supports Stronger Bones So You Can Break Free From Limitations, Keep Moving And Never Slow Down At Any Age
What would avoiding the embarrassment and misery of losing your freedom and becoming A Burden To Your Loved Ones mean to you?
Imagine dusting off the clubs and playing your BEST 18 ever now that the throbbing aches, stiffness and discomfort in your hips, shoulders, knees, or lower back is gone.

Or would you plan that vacation that you've been putting off because you were in too much misery?
Smarter Joint Solution Summary:
An All Natural solution that's Safer, Smarter, and surprisingly inexpensive - so anyone can use it at any age
You can now feel reassured, with this all-natural breakthrough from Mother Earth herself you can avoid the increased risk of unsuspecting cardiovascular events and other serious side effects such as liver, kidney, and cognitive problems that numerous pain killers are associated with.
Just think: You can now enjoy a happier, more active, and more comfortable life with youthful feeling joints that allow you to make unforgettable memories with your loved ones for many years to come....

Imagine your life when you're free from the grips of aches and painful joint discomfort...

Picture no longer worrying about sharp, shooting aches in your hips, knees, shoulders, ankles or fingers...

Think about experiencing more youthful, free flowing movement at any age...
Believe it or not...
You DON'T have to lose your smooth, comfortable Movement to father time!
Hi, I'm Rick Kaselj, author of such best sellers as The Pain Hacker and The 7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet. 

And after helping more than 1,000,000 people look, feel, and move younger over the last 2 decades, today, I want to share with you some rather shocking things I've discovered about the body's aging process...

In fact, my unconventional "Pain Fixes" and smart aging solutions have been praised in Men's Health magazine, on Livestrong.com, in Men's Journal and in dozens of other magazines, newspapers and medical resource sites. 
I'm also a featured presenter for The Natural Health Practitioners Of Canada as well as The National Strength And Conditioning Association...

So most of my time today is now spent traveling, speaking, and educating experts all over the world...

In fact, I've given over 352 live seminars and have certified thousands of health and medical professionals worldwide who want to help their clients move, look, and feel younger...

I'm also the behind the scenes advisor to some very renowned experts...

From New York Times Best Selling Authors to orthopedic and plastic surgeons...

From military elite to professional strength and performance coaches and doctors who never want their pro-athletes in the PGA, NFL, and NHL to slow down or feel old...

They're on TV, They're in the media, and They're New York Times Best Selling Authors...
So why do they trust me as their advisor behind the scenes when it comes to restoring pain-free movement?
It's because I've discovered some truly smarter strategies for moving, feeling and looking years younger over the last 2 decades.

You see, I'm all about finding what works...

And what I learned after helping over 1 Million people worldwide naturally move, look, and feel years younger over the last 2 decades is this:
If You've Tried Everything Yet still have stiff, aching joint Discomfort...
you may be focusing on the wrong solutions
It doesn't matter if you:
  • Use NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen
  • COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex
  • Or resort to painful injections or surgeries
You MUST target all 3 "joint-pain triggers"
  • You MUST Target joint inflammation
  • You MUST Target Worn-out, deteriorating cartilage
  • And You MUST Target gradual bone loss and weakening
...otherwise you can say good-bye to comfortable movement as you age.
Unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there on joint health, even from trained professionals and reputable sources... does not target all 3 joint pain triggers I discussed above...

While NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors target inflammation and short term pain, they are powerless against the gradual degeneration of your joints...

And you want to decrease your discomfort, but you also want to be able to move around in comfort and be active, right?
Well so did thousands of my clients over the years...
After hearing so many of my clients say they wish there was a natural long term option to NSAIDS and CO2 inhibitors and other traditional methods that just didn't work for them...

I knew we had to find a smarter way, something different, for producing faster, longer lasting results for my clients...
Now, some of the smartest, most effective methods I've discovered for decreasing discomfort, overcoming injuries, and restoring comfortable mobility are counter intuitive...

So I was more than prepared for the challenge ahead and for years my team of researchers and I scoured the globe for innovative and superior natural alternatives...
We worked alongside literally thousands of alternative health professionals worldwide to seek out what really works and see first hand their most prized secrets that were virtually hidden from the western general public...

Year after year, we made significant progress with cutting edge research, real world testing, constant refining and thousands of hours reviewing detailed before-and-after lab analysis reports...

This passionate research over the years led to us pioneering some truly groundbreaking solutions that allowed for even better results for our clients with safe, simple and inexpensive alternatives...
Then our research uncovered something completely new and astonishing...
Something more potent and powerful for helping you get back to all the enjoyable things you thought had passed you by...

Something we never heard of called...
"The Mysterious
New Zealand Paradox"...
You see, scientists discovered something strange about the soil on the local native population of Maoris, who lived along the New Zealand coast where arthritic and rheumatic disorders were virtually unknown.

Its not uncommon to see people of all ages energetically moving around the town with youthful agility and stamina, still performing demanding activities like hiking and climbing without the widespread signs of arthritic and rheumatic disorders to slow them down.

Scientists eventually discovered that the difference between the coastal-dwelling people of New Zealand and the rest of the world was the consumption of a local delicacy hailed as the sacred "Miracle Food" believed to lead to a long and healthy life and a essential staple of their daily diet [Brien et al., 2008].
What New Zealanders Know That You Don't...
That's STOPPING You From Feeling The youthful, free flowing, Comfortable movement You Desire
It's 12:35 pm on a beautiful Saturday afternoon just off the Coast of Maoris in New Zealand.

Outside you can hear the birds chirping and you can smell the ocean breeze in the air...

Over a large grassy hill, about 2 miles off the coast, we see a 65 year old couple enjoying one another's company as they work side by side in their garden...
At first sight it would appear as if the couple is an anomaly...

Bending, twisting, and even picking up a 27 pound potted plant:
  • WITHOUT the signs of Worn out, stiff, achey joints, or arthritic daggers
  • WITHOUT Shooting hip or painful back flare-ups
  • WITHOUT Sharp knee or shoulder discomfort ...
All while still bursting full of youthful energy and stamina..
After a physically demanding morning in their garden, they've worked up an appetite and decide to hike into town for lunch.

As they hike the sandy, unpaved trail for 2.2 miles along the beautiful coast they take a 5 minute detour to run down to the water and feel the fresh sand between their toes.

Back on the sandy trail, the couple finally arrives at their favorite little cafe located right off the water front.

Shortly after being seated they order their favorite food - A local delicacy hailed as the "Miracle Food" and a staple of their daily diet.

Soon the waiter reveals the couple's secret to living such a happy and active life with comfortable, free flowing movement and youthful energy at any age:
New Zealand's
Green Lipped Mussels
Found only on the untouched, unspoiled waters along the New Zealand coast, the green-lipped mussel are a special species of mussel that contain a unique, one of a kind balance of potent compounds that lends itself to powerful joint rejuvenating properties that are not found in any other known substance around the world.
Yet, the REAL results happen when you do this one unique and kind of strange thing...
Like I mentioned earlier, researchers began calling this the Mysterious "New Zealand Paradox" after scientists discovered that the local native population of Maoris, who lived along the coast had a much lower rate of arthritis. Furthermore, research began to show that green-lipped mussels were beneficial for people with osteoarthritis and arthritis[Brien et al., 2008].

In fact, the natural anti-inflammatory power that's packed into the green-lipped mussel is what led NASA scientists to it for it's potent revitalizing properties.

This special species of mussel, which is only found in New Zealand and not anywhere else in the world, contains a unique, one of a kind grouping of ETA's that heightens the body's powerful joint healing properties.
You probably haven't heard much about ETA's because they are so rare in Western food sources...
According to the National Center For Biotechnology Information, green-lipped mussel significantly decreased pain, stiffness, and mobility in those who took it. " We report for the first time that the green-lipped mussel extracts also significantly improved gastrointestinal symptoms by 49% in osteoarthritis patients".

This is in contrast to NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors which you may have experienced can cause significant gut health issues...
Another study conducted by the University Of Queensland's School Of Medicine found that patients who took the New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract over an 8 week period saw joint pain reduced by 59%.
And while research shows New Zealand Green Lipped Mussels to be one of the best foods for naturally rejuvenating your joint comfort... 
Fact is, getting the optimal level of joint comforting compounds needed each day from eating mussels alone - everyday - is virtually impossible...
For one, most of us don't live near the New Zealand Coast which is unfortunate for joint pain suffers because the specific mineral rich soil is crucial to the potency and effectiveness of the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussels...

Not to mention there's the impracticality of cooking and eating that necessary volume of mussels each day.

Yet, what if there was an easier, more convenient and inexpensive way to target all 3 joint pain triggers responsible for nagging aches and painful joint discomfort?

One that you could use in only 30 seconds first thing each morning without choking down pounds of mussels a day or even making one single change to your diet?
Do you think you'd be willing to at least try it and see for yourself?
Well after years of research and testing, tweaking and perfecting...

I am proud to introduce you to what I consider to be my absolute most significant breakthrough ever and the future of joint health...
Introducing: The 11-IN-1 Next Generation Joint Support Formula:
Joint Complex 4000
The Smarter Joint Support formula So You Can Keep Moving And Never Feel Old At Any Age
I never set out to create the perfect joint support supplement...

However, after hearing so many of my clients say they wish there was a natural option that was safer, faster acting, inexpensive and offered long term support...

That's exactly what happened... I HAD to.

And now, thanks to the innovation and research behind this next generation formula, I couldn't be happier to be finally offer new hope for you!
Joint Complex 4000 is a safe, natural, next generation 11-in-1 joint formula that my clients report is unlike anything else they've tried in the past...
Next Generation Smart Joint Support 
  • Targets All 3 Of Your Body's Joint discomfort triggers
  • 11 intelligent Joint support ingredients ALL-IN-ONE
  • Improves Mobility And Flexibility
  • Increases Joint Comfort for the long haul
  • Safely take Joint Complex 4000 every day
  • Non Addicting
  • Made In The USA
  • 100% Risk-Free Empty Bottle Guarantee
This Next Generation 11-IN-1 Smarter Joint Support Formula is perfect for:
Anyone who wants to move comfortably with less aches, stiffness and joint discomfort
Anyone who wants to reduce the uncomfortable pain you feel when doing your favorite activities like exercising, gardening or golfing
Anyone who wants to protect their joints and freedom by remaining active for the long term
Anyone who wants to avoid the unwanted side effects of NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen and COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex
If You've been unhappy with inferior products, Joint Complex 4000 may be the smarter solution you've been looking for.
So what makes Joint Complex 4000 so much smarter than every "joint support" supplement or pain reliever out there?
You see, unlike inferior products that only attempt to support one part of joint health, Joint Complex 4000 offers you smarter joint-support with 11-in-one results by targeting all THREE joint discomfort triggers so you can enjoy more comfortable, free-flowing movement at any age.
Targets Joint Pain Trigger #1 
Decreases joint discomfort so you can get back to comfortable living
Smarter Joint Science: This all-natural 11-in-1 formula enhances your body's ability to regulate hormones, enzymes, and pain receptors [Pountos et al., 2012; Vuolteenaho et al., 2008], which leads to the soothing of painful discomfort In your lower back, knees, shoulders, neck, hands, fingers, arthritic joints, and more... FASTER!
Targets Joint Pain Trigger #2
Enhances Joint Mobility and Flexibility So You Can Get back to walking, gardening, exercising, or golfing in true comfort
Smarter Joint Science: This all-natural 11-in-1 formula supports processes that restore and strengthen the cartilage between your joints , so you enjoy pain free youthful movement and flexibility for life without having to experience the painful feeling of "joint daggers" sneaking up and attacking you and preventing you from enjoying your favorite activities like walking, golfing, or gardening.
Targets Joint Pain Trigger #3
Promotes Stronger, Healthier Bones So You Can Break Free From Limitations, Keep Moving And Never Slow Down At Any Age
Smarter Joint Science: This all-natural 11-in-1 formula promotes long-term support for brittle, deteriorating bones so you can enjoy pain free joints without limits for life. No more back pain flare ups or aching hips, knees, and shoulders when you bend over to pick up your grandkids, walk around the block, or even when you put on your shoes.
A Faster, Longer Lasting, All Natural solution that's Safe, Smarter, and surprisingly inexpensive so anyone can use it at any age 
  • WITHOUT COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex that research has shown to Increase Your Risk Of Serious Health Problems Such As Cardiovascular Events, Liver and Kidney Problems

  • WITHOUT over the counter NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen that have been shown to harm various processes in your body which can negatively affect your heart, liver, kidneys, and even your brain (Gavrilescu et al., 2016 )

  • WITHOUT the risk of Side Effects Such As Depression, Anxiety, Liver Failure, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes (Shinohara et al., 2016;Walter et al., 2011 )

  • And WITHOUT painful injections or surgery
In fact, just look:
Smarter Joint Supporter #1
Found only on the untouched, unspoiled soil and waters along the New Zealand coast, the green-lipped mussel are a special species of mussel that contain a unique, one of a kind nutrient balance that lends itself to powerful joint revitalizing properties that cannot be found in any other known substance or any other known place in the world.

The natural anti-inflammatory power that's packed into the green-lipped mussel even led NASA scientists to research it for it's potent rejuvenating properties.

According to the National Center For Biotechnology Information green-lipped mussel significantly decreased pain, stiffness, and mobility. We report for the first time that the green-lipped mussel extracts also significantly improved gastrointestinal symptoms by 49% in osteoarthritis patients.

Another study conducted by the University Of Queensland's School Of Medicine found that patients who took the New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract over an 8 week period saw joint pain reduced by 59%.
Smarter Joint Supporter #2
Chondroitin Sulfate is an important structural component of cartilage and provides much of its resistance to compression. Loss of chondroitin sulfate from the cartilage is a major cause of osteoarthritis and restricted mobility.

Chondroitin sulfate stimulates the production of proteoglycans and collagen which floods your cartilage with super nutrients, helping to support cartilage rejuvenation and increase smooth, comfortable and free flowing movement.

Studies conducted in several different countries prove that patients treated with chondroitin sulfate experienced significant relief of pain, and enjoyed increased mobility [Owens et al., 2004; Kanzaki et al., 2012].
Smarter Joint Supporter #3
Boron, a natural health enhancing mineral, that helps support bodily processes that  build strong bones, target osteoarthritis, and build lean muscle; all of which are necessary for reducing discomfort and improving joint mobility. Boron is also believed to improve thinking skills and muscle coordination.
Smarter Joint Supporter #4
Devil's Claw Powder is an herb that has anti-inflammatory properties which heighten the body's response to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, thereby enhancing the body's ability to soothe muscle pain and improve mobility especially for people with either arthritis or muscle discomfort.
Smarter Joint Supporter #5
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a natural sulfur commonly called the "miracle" compound and used for chronic pain, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, and other musculoskeletal pain. [Kalman et al., 2012].
Smarter Joint Supporter #6
Yucca is a traditional, medicinal plant native to Mexico and the Southwestern U.S. It is a rich source of steroidal saponins, also called phytosterols, which have antioxidant properties that boost the natural immune system functions of the body, thereby enhancing the body's ability to combat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis [Bassarello et al., 2007].
Smarter Joint Supporter #7
Cetyl Myristoleate contains a unique blend of fatty acids which research suggest may have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties useful for arthritis and joint discomfort. Studies show that when patients took cetyl myristoleate as a supplement, their symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee improved [Ameye et al., 2006].
Smarter Joint Supporter #8
The alfalfa plant has roots that allow it to absorb large amounts of vitamins and minerals such as biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, and more, thereby providing the body's joints and bones with an ample supply of beneficial nutrients. This powerful food also supports the body's ability to target arthritis as well as several blood and circulation issues.
Smarter Joint Supporter #9
L-Histidine is an essential amino acid that supports the body's ability to target rheumatoid arthritis, repair tissue, and strengthen the immune system. People with arthritis and joint problems are known to have abnormally low levels of L-Histidine.
Smarter Joint Supporter #10
A bio-enhancing blend of antioxidants and minerals such as A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Manganese, Zinc, Selenium, Copper and Chromium target free radicals, which can help enhance the body's ability to combat cellular aging, inflammation and improve damaged cartilage.
Smarter Joint Supporter #11
While most joint support supplements rely solely on Glucosamine to do the heavy lifting, we've taken it a step further by including it as a supporting ingredient along with other potent and powerful natural ingredients in this next generation joint support formula.

Glucosamine aids in cartilage rejuvenation, which helps decrease joint discomfort and inflammation while promoting stronger bones, and healthier nails, hair and skin. It also disrupts the activity of enzymes that degrade the building blocks of joint cartilage [Kanzaki et al., 2012].
That's a Total Of 11 Intelligent Ingredients, ALL-IN-ONE To SKYROCKET joint Comfort And Mobility naturally... EVEN IF:
"I'm too old to move comfortably with less aches, stiffness and joint discomfort..."
If you think you're "too old" to move comfortably with less aches, stiffness and joint discomfort and there's nothing you can do about it then you're in for a surprise.

You're never too old to live a happier, more active, more comfortable life.

I've seen first-hand, how even clients who were well into their 50's,60's, and 75+ have reclaimed more youthful feeling, free flowing movement and greatly enhanced their joint health, some for the first time in decades.
Chances are, these are people that started with very similar discomfort, soreness, or stiffness as you are feeling right now.

And here's the thing - They report trying virtually everything over the years yet were always unhappy with their results - just like you probably have.

For instance, take Annie Lopes from Makawao, HI who recently said:
"My arthritis is really bad hip is bone to bone with bone growth on it. The pain was so bad I could not get comfortable trying to sleep... I am now able to find a comfortable way to fall asleep. Thank you"
So If you THINK your days of ever feeling more comfortable movement and free flowing flexibility are behind you -  think again.
  • Whether it's your worn out, stiff, achey joints, or arthritic daggers 
  • Sharp and painful hip, knee, and back flare-ups 
  • Stiff achey knee or shoulder discomfort
Joint Complex 4000 may be your second shot at youthful movement that your joints have been missing all these years.
"I don't want another unsafe pain reliever"
After hearing from so many of my clients like Judy that wished there was a natural option to NSAIDS, CO2 inhibitors and other traditional methods that just didn't work for them...

I knew we had to find a smarter way, something different, for producing safer, longer lasting results for my clients.

Take Judy Knutson from Saint Paul, MN who said:
"I have been taking celebrex for 5 years for my arthritis pain and I wanted to find something safe... It caused internal bleeding for my mom.  I've had great results with Joint Complex 4000."
So while I never set out to create the perfect all natural joint health  supplement...

That's exactly what happened... I HAD to.

Opposed to NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors that leave you worrying about experiencing a cardiovascular event, liver problems, or kidney issues, which are all known side effects that may occur from taking these drugs [Gavrilescu et al., 2016; Henry et al., 2003; Bozimowski, 2015]...

When you invest in Joint Complex 4000 today you're getting 11 of the smartest, natural, joint rejuvenating ingredients straight from Mother Earth herself...
"I've Tried Everything And Nothing's Ever Worked For Me"
There's 2 main reasons you may have tried other inferior products in the past and been unhappy with the results.
1. Your joint support supplement MUST work with your body to target all 3 joint pain triggers:
  • You MUST Target chronic joint inflammation
  • You MUST Target worn-out, deteriorating cartilage 
  • You MUST Target gradual bone loss and weakening
It doesn't matter if you:
  • Use NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen
  • COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx or Celebrex
  • Resort to painful injections or surgeries
Unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there on decreasing joint comfort and improving overall joint health, does not work with your body to address all 3 "joint pain triggers"...

While NSAIDS and COX-2 inhibitors target inflammation and short term pain, they are powerless against the gradual degeneration of your joints...
Which is why even If you've switched to a safer joint support formula and have been unhappy with the results, Joint Complex 4000 may be the smarter all-in-one solution you've been looking for.

Every easy-to-take capsule of Joint Complex 4000 combines 11 joint rejuvenating ingredients, each formulated to work with your body to target ALL 3 Joint Pain Triggers so you can enjoy youthful free-moving joint comfort for the long haul.
2. The second reason you may have been unhappy with many of those products you have tried in the past is they may not actually be produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility under strict third party guidelines.
The reason this is critically important is because these products could be produced with little or no supervision or regulatory practices.

Meaning that you may have been getting untested, artificial and low-quality ingredients that are ineffective.

Rest assured, With Joint Complex 4000, you're getting a product that was painstakingly developed under strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in a third party FDA approved laboratory and certified GMP Facility by our research team with 30 years of experience in developing smarter nutritional supplements.

Scientifically-backed natural ingredients GMP-certified manufacturing 3rd-party quality assurance testing.
As you've probably noticed by now...
Fact Is, Joint Complex 4000 is strategically designed to be the smartest joint support formula on the market today...
Especially when you consider that it allows you to experience rejuvenating 11-in-1 results by targeting all THREE joint discomfort triggers so you can enjoy more comfortable, free-flowing movement for the long haul...

And, as you've already seen from others who gave Joint Complex 4000 an honest try, the results are off-the-chart!

That's because my research team and I have combined over 30 years of joint science into one easy to take next generation formula for smarter joint support.
Trust me, It was no easy or inexpensive task but that's what makes Joint Complex 4000 the clear and smarter choice for those who've tried everything and who are tired of not getting the support they desire.

And In order for my research team and I to be absolutely sure that each serving of Joint Complex 4000 is consistently formulated to the highest quality, potency, purity, and effectiveness...
We had to make a decision to remove the middlemen which means...
Joint Complex 4000 Is NOT Sold In Stores or on any other website- It's Only Available On This Secure Page
We were so excited to be making a superior next generation product that we completely overlooked the fact that combining the power of 11 potent compounds into ONE formula would be so expensive.

While it may have been nice to walk into a big store like Whole foods or the local supplement store and see Joint Complex 4000...

I wasn't interested in breaking down Joint Complex 4000 into multiple Joint support supplements like inferior products do...

We were worried that not everyone who needed it could spend between $100 -$147 a month to purchase all these high-quality ingredients on their own.

And that's assuming if you could even find this high of quality ingredients in the exact amounts and all from reliable, proven, and tested sources - a very expensive and time consuming order.

Sure, that's still a very small price to pay for feeling more youthful free flowing movement again...

However, as you'll see in a second, you wont have to pay anywhere near $100-$147 a month for a dozen different inferior joint support products...
In fact, cut that in HALF and you still won't even pay that!
How Much Does Joint Complex 4000 Cost?
Since I'm on a mission to make sure as many people as possible have the chance to experience the Joint Complex 4000 difference, I've put together a special internet only offer for you today...

Today you can experience the #1 smartest joint support solution for the incredibly discounted investment of only $49 + S&H - thats a HUGE savings!

In fact, that's less than $1.31 per day - even less than the price of the smallest cup of coffee from your local Barista.
UPDATE: The feedback has been amazing! 
(So We're Doing Something UNHEARD Of...)
Since we've released Joint Complex 4000, the feedback has been amazing!

Every Monday and Thursday, I have a call with our Customer Happiness Manager, Mary. The stories that she has shared with me regarding customers that have had great success with Joint Complex 4000 have made these calls the highlight of my week.

This lets me know that Joint Complex 4000 is truly changing the lives of people who thought that life had passed them by...

Which is why I've put together a super special discount package that allows you to save even more today. 
When you invest in the 6-bottle package today, now our most popular option, you'll receive Joint Complex 4000 for an unheard of price of only $34 per bottle!
AND, i'm also going to throw in 2 FREE gifts today worth $47.88 when you order 3 or 6-bottles of Joint Complex 4000
FREE Gift #1:
"Top 10 Morning Movements To Loosen Up Your Joints"
Everyone knows that if you start the morning off badly, the rest of the day quickly follows the same path. And you deserve to wake up and start your day off feeling pain free, without limits.

That's why when you order Joint Complex 4000 right now, I'm giving you instant access to my brand new special report, Top 10 Morning Movements To Loosen Up Your Joints, for FREE!

A quick flip through the guide is all you need to help you perform a couple of simple targeted movements that loosen up stiff and achey joints so you can avoid feeling:
  • Worn out, stiff, achey joints
  • Sharp and painful hip, knee, and back flare-ups 
  • Stiff achey knee or shoulder discomfort
All while you start each day feeling refreshed,  bursting with energy and stamina, and power through the rest of the day with free-flowing, smooth movement.
FREE Gift #2:
FREE Shipping
When you order either 3 or 6 bottles of Joint Complex 4000, we'll immediately upgrade your order to include FREE shipping (For USA orders only).

Now in addition to the free gifts, and amazing savings you'll receive today I'm going to make this an even easier, no-brainer decision for you...
Try Joint Complex 4000 TODAY
That's Right... You Don't Have To Decide Right Now - Get Results First - THEN Decide
I completely understand it may be difficult for you to see yourself living a more comfortable and active life with smooth, free-flowing movement like you remember from 30 years ago.

You see, I already know just how much of a difference Joint Complex 4000 has made for others...

That's why I don't even think twice about making sure that all of the risk is on me. That's right, you DON'T have to decide right now.

Take advantage of my 100% RISK-FREE, unconditional, Empty Bottle Guarantee and feel results FIRST, then decide.
Experience Joint Complex 4000 for 60 full days, on me And if you aren't a believer, simply return the bottle - even if it's empty - and we'll give you a complete refund.
You have nothing to lose except the painful joint discomfort.
Here's How To Order Joint Complex 4000:
Click the "Add To Cart' button below for 1, 3, or 6 bottles of Joint Complex 4000
Remember, our current special allows you to get 6 bottles of Joint Complex 4000 for less than the retail price of 3 bottles. This means you're getting 3 bottles of Joint Complex 4000 absolutely FREE!

if you click the "Add To Cart" button and see that we are out of stock again, we ask for your patience.

Here's what to do: Please send an email to support@PainlessNutritionals.com and we will be sure to put you on the waiting list so you're notified when Joint Complex 4000 is in stock again.

Rest assured, the current discounted special price you see today will absolutely be honored when Joint Complex 4000 is back in stock - even if it's months down the road.
1 Bottle 
$97 $49
You Save: $48 (50%)

Today's Price: $49

You Save: $48 (50%)

3 Bottles
$42 Each
You Save: $165 (56%)

Today's Price: $126

You Save: $165 (56%)

6 Bottles
$34 Each
You Save: $378 (65%)

Today's Price: $204

You Save: $378 (65%)

Note: After you click the "Add To Cart" button above, you'll immediately be taken to a secure order form if we are still in stock.

You can also pick up the phone and call (888) 947-3780 and we'll process your order by phone.
Remember, "The secret to a long life is to never stop moving..."
Few things are worse than losing your freedom to move in comfort because of "Father Time".

After all, the moment you stop moving is the moment you start dying.

Think about this for a second.

The average Life expectancy in the U.S. is about 78 years..

Do you really want to spend the rest of those years - the best years -  merely surviving in discomfort - forced to miss more of the moments that matter most?
Life Is Short, And You've Been suffering with aches and painful discomfort far too long...
And the pain of continuing down this road without taking action will only lead to more despair, more frustration stealing weeks, months, and even years of happiness from you..
  • You'll continue to feel even more worn out, stiff, and old
  • Your aching hips or painful back flare-ups will continue to worsen
  • Your sharp knee or shooting shoulder discomfort will continue to increase...
The nagging and painful discomfort will continue to torture you as it spreads across your body as it continues to control every aspect of your life...

Keeping you from ever enjoying your favorite activities again like golfing or working in your garden

You'll continue to feel old and well beyond your age - someone you don't recognize anymore.
Like an elderly stranger -
someone you're not ready to be yet...
  • Making you feel insecure, unattractive, unneeded and even undesired or just "always in the way" as you age
  • Preventing you from truly enjoying everything you've worked so hard your whole life for
  • Simple things like just moving around the house, walking up stairs, reaching overhead to grab a plate from the cabinet, or picking up your grandkids will continue to be miserable, even unbearable at times
  • Forcing you to ask for help, rely more on family and friends, and complain more than you'd like to
None of this is what I want for you and you know that you deserve to feel better than you do right now.
If not for yourself, think about your family and loved ones who all rely on you everyday.

There are a lot of people rooting for you right now!

At this very second, you have the opportunity to take responsibility and reclaim your second chance at youthful, free-flowing movement and the joint comfort you desire.
So the only questions now are:
  • How much longer do you want to spend feeling tired and worn-out?

  • How many more times are you going to have to say "sorry, maybe next time" and see the disappointed look in your spouse's or grandkids' eyes because you "just aren't feeling up to it"?

  • How much longer are you going to sacrifice the simple pleasures that used to bring joy to your life?
Right now, when you choose to take action and invest in your future with Joint Complex 4000 - Everything Can Change....

Just like it has for the countless others just like you who've finally reduced their discomfort, and reclaimed their youth when nothing else would work.
You Owe This To Yourself...
What Would You Do With A "Second Chance" At Youth?
Now before you order Joint Complex 4000, I want you to remember something...
I want you to remember, right now, how you feel in this moment...

Because within a few days when your order arrives, I want you to notice how quickly you start to feel the difference.
Really Picture How You'll FEEL...
Imagine a new life where your achey hips, shoulders, back, hands, knees and fingers are blessedly free to move without painful discomfort...

And without having to worry about the side effects of NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen and COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex.
  • You wake up feeling refreshed and bursting with energy, with hips, knees, and elbows that bend like they use to

  • You're finally free from the miserable grips of stiff, achy, and painful joints

  • You're finally free from the worn out and sluggish elderly stranger's body you've been "borrowing"

  • You're finally experiencing the youthful, free-flowing movement you remember from 30 years ago

  • You're feeling completely alive again
Just think - you no longer have to ask for help with everyday things like:
  • Standing up from a chair
  • Opening a jar
  • Reaching overhead into the cabinet
  • Bending down to tie your shoes
  • Getting out of the car
Each day is full of a new found hope and optimism because just thinking of all the activities you can enjoy again now that the awful pain is out of your life makes you feel youthful and more alive than ever...
What will you do now that you don't always have to avoid going out and moving around?
Will you spend more time with your grandchildren while you still can, now that you don't have to worry about keeping up with them?

Picture having your grandkids over for the whole day and them needing to take a nap this time!

You're actually keeping up with them all day without having to sit down or paying the painful price the next morning...
You finally recapture your lost pleasure in doing the things you thought had passed you by...
Will you travel and see more of the places on your "bucket list" now that you can move around all day without your knees, hips, and back hurting?

Picture dusting off the clubs and playing your BEST 18 ever now that the throbbing aches, stiffness and discomfort in your hips, shoulders, knees, or lower back are gone..

 Imagine the impressed look on your neighbors face when you're potting and pruning in your garden for hours in complete comfort...

...or enjoying a nice saturday going for a bike ride, a long adventurous hike, enjoying a game of bowling or going on the next hunting trip..
You're finally seeing yourself living the happy, active and pain free life without limits you deserve... and you're enjoying every second of it at long last!
And don't be surprised if your friends and family take notice of how much younger, radiant and happy looking you are now that your aches, and painful discomfort are a thing of the past...
Don't Forget...
It doesn't matter if you:
  • Use NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen
  • Take COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx or Celebrex
  • Resort to painful injections or surgeries
If you're not targeting all 3 root causes of your joint discomfort you'll continue to have painful joint discomfort everyday for the rest of your life forcing you to lose more of your freedom to do what you want or go where you want...
That's why it hasn't been your fault...
Well, today is YOUR day... your day to control by taking responsibility right now:
Experience the Joint Complex 4000 difference for 60 days, on me... And if you aren't a believer, simply return the bottle - even if it's empty - and we'll give you a complete refund.
You have nothing to lose except the painful joint discomfort.

Do the smart thing and choose to take action and responsibility by claiming the active, high energy lifestyle and youthful free flowing movement you desire right now.
1 Bottle 
$97 $49
You Save: $48 (50%)

Today's Price: $49

You Save: $48 (50%)

3 Bottles
$42 Each
You Save: $165 (56%)

Today's Price: $126

You Save: $165 (56%)

6 Bottles
$34 Each
You Save: $378 (65%)

Today's Price: $204

You Save: $378 (65%)

- Rick Kaselj

P.S. -  Remember, every day that goes by, your aging, damaged joints will continue to torture you as the aches, pains, and stiffness spreads across your body keeping you from ever enjoying your favorite activities again.  You risk losing more of your freedom taking weeks, months, and even years of happiness off of your life. Yet, right now you can take responsibility and reclaim the comfortable movement you've been missing with Joint Complex 4000 formula.

P.P.S - You DON'T have to decide right now... Take advantage of my unconditional "Empty Bottle" Guarantee and get results first, then decide. There's ZERO risk to you - Try Joint Complex 4000 for 60 full days, on me... And if you aren't a believer you pay nothing!
Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is Joint Complex 4000 For?

Joint Complex 4000 is a next generation 11-In-1 smarter joint support formula is perfect for:

  • Anyone who wants to move comfortably with less aches, stiffness and joint discomfort
  • Anyone who wants to reduce the uncomfortable pain you feel when doing your favorite activities like exercising, gardening or golfing
  • Anyone who wants to protect their joints and freedom by remaining active for the long term
  • Anyone who wants to avoid the unwanted side effects of NSAIDS like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen and COX-2 inhibitors like Vioxx, or Celebrex

If You've Been Unhappy With Inferior Products, Joint Complex 4000 May Be The Smarter Solution You've Been Looking For.

What Are The Ingredients In Joint Complex 4000?

Joint Complex 4000 Facts

How Do I Take Joint Complex 4000?

As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 tablets two times daily.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Allergen Warning: Contains shellfish (Glucosamine & New Zealand Green Lipped Sea Mussel)

Joint Complex 4000 contains only 100% natural, safe, and the most effective ingredients at the optimal dose. While there has been no reported side effects, you should always consult your physician before taking this or any dietary supplement. Do not exceed recommended dose.

If you have a known medical condition or have questions about the advisability of taking this product, consult your physician prior to using this or any dietary supplement. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and crustacean shellfish.

I clicked "add to cart" and it said "out of stock"?

Because this is a brand new formula we only have a limited amount of bottles to give away at today's extremely discounted price. If you click the link below and see that we are out of stock, please contact us at support@PainlessNutritionals.com to get on the notification list, and we'll honor the sale price today when we get more in stock, even if it's in 6 months!

Is There A Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee ?

Absolutely. You can experience Joint Complex 4000 first - THEN fully decide if it's right for you. Try Joint Complex 4000 on us for at least 60 days and after an honest try if you're not thrilled simply send us back the product and receive a complete and speedy refund - even if the bottle is empty! So rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you're 100% protected by our risk-free guarantee.

How Quickly Will My Order Be Shipped To Me?

Our products typically ship within 5 - 7 business days for orders within the U.S and between 8 - 15 business days for International orders. For tracking information and delivery status of your order, please contact us at support@PainlessNutritionals.com

After I order today, will anything else be sent or billed to me?

Absolutely not. This is a one-time transaction today only. No future charges will be made because you are NOT subscribing to anything.

How Will My Order Appear On My Bank Statement?

Your purchase will appear on your bank statement from our secure merchant under the name "buygoods.com".

Can I Buy Joint Complex 4000 Anywhere Else?

No. Joint Complex 4000 is currently only available on this secure page. This way we can maintain our highly praised customer service and lowest rock bottom prices...

What is the investment to ship Joint Complex 4000 directly to my home?

Delivery Shipping Fee
(1 bottle)
Shipping Fee
(3 bottles)
Shipping Fee
(6 bottles)
Shipping Time
USAFree Free Free5-7 business days
Canada$21.14 $31.91 $55.718-15 business days
Australia & UK$27.85 $29.45 $88.228-15 business days
Other International Countries$57.30 $62.17 $70.198-15 business days

We do not ship this product to these countries:

Cote d'lvoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Lebanon, Sudan, Belarus, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Syria, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sierra (Leone), Palestinian Territories, South Sudan, Myanmar, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Guadeloupe, Botswana, Netherlands, Antilles, India, Barbados, Spain


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Baeurle SA, Kiselev MG, Makarova ES, Nogovitsin EA (2009). "Effect of the counterion behavior on the frictional-compressive properties of chondroitin sulfate solutions".

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Dunnett M, Harris RC. Influence of oral beta-alanine and L-histidine supplementation on the carnosine content of the gluteus medius. Equine Vet J Suppl. 1999 Jul;(30):499-504.

Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. (2001). Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Herbert, V. and Kasdan, T. S. Alfalfa, vitamin E, and autoimmune disorders. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60(4):639-640.

Bassarello C, Bifulco G, Montoro P, Skhirtladze A, Benidze M, Kemertelidze E, Pizza C, Piacente S. Yucca gloriosa: a source of phenolic derivatives with strong antioxidant activity. J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Aug 8;55(16):6636-42.

Warnock M, McBean D, Suter A, Tan J, Whittaker P. Effectiveness and safety of Devil's Claw tablets in patients with general rheumatic disorders. Phytother Res. 2007 Dec;21(12):1228-33.

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Terpiłowska S, Zaporowska H. The role of chromium in cell biology and medicine. Przegl Lek. 2004;61 Suppl 3:51-4.

Sing M, Hodges LD, WrightPFA, Cheah DMY, Wynne PM, Kalafatis N and Macrides TA. The CO2-SFE crude lipidextract and the free fatty acid extract from Perna canaliculs haveanti-inflammatory effects on adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats. ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology. 2008;Part B 149:251-258.

Gibson SL, Gibson RG. Thetreatment of arthritis with a lipid extract of Perna canaliculus: a randomizedtrial. Compl Ther Med. 1998; 6: 122-6.

Macrides TA, Treschow AP,Kalafatis N, Wright PF, Wynne PM. The anti-inflammatory effects of n-3tetraenoic fatty acids isolated from a lipid extract from the mussel, Pernacanaliculus. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 1997 Aug; 57(2): 250(AbsW20).

Whitehouse MW, Macrides TA,Kalafatis N, Betts W, Haynes DR, Broadbent J. Anti-inflammatory activity of alipid fraction (Lyprinin) from the NZ green-lipped mussel. Inflammopharmacol.1997; 5(3): 237-46.

Brien S, Prescott P, CoghlanB, Bashir N, Lewith G. Systematic review of the nutritional supplement PernaCanaliculus (green-lipped mussel) in the treatment of osteoarthritis. QJM. 2008Mar;101(3):167-79. Epub 2008 Jan 25. Review.

Darlington LG, Stone TW. Antioxidants and fatty acids in theamelioration of rheumatoid arthritis and related disorders. Br J Nutr. 2001Mar; 85(3): 251-69.